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Health and safety is considered as one of the most essential aspect of all organisations in order to ensure the well-being of employees. It also helps the organisations in retaining employees for a long period of time. In companies, there is always some possibility of occurrence of accidents at the workplace. So, it is essential to provide them appropriate services regarding safety (Munn-Giddings and Winter, 2013). Present report is based on health and social care trust and to understand various aspects and effective implementation of policies of health and safety in order to manage the well-being of employees. This report covers the legislation of health and safety that is implemented at workplace and the effects of customers in health and social care. Further, it also includes various policies which are monitored and effectiveness of those at workplace. Moreover, in this report, there is evaluation of own contribution to the health ans safety requirements of an individual at the care home. .
Health and safety is important at workplace as it provides appropriate environment which helps the patients and in fulfilling their requirement of those who are not able to care on their own. Appropriate communication helps to manage different tasks and they are able to communicate with their employees which is beneficial for the workplace (Lowes and Hulatt, 2013). There are various policies, systems and procedures for the purpose of communication information on health and social care workplace as it helps the employees or workers of HSC setting in order to provide high quality services to different users. For the same, policies and procedures are described as below:
In addition to this, the process of health and safety is considered to be one of the most important for the purpose of reducing the different types of accidents and also helps maintain the well-being of the employees. In context of NHS, the head of the department decided to promote the safety and appropriate environment at workplace through different process and systems.
The organisational structure of NHS helps to facilitate and provide appropriate information as per the responsibilities of management. According to the given case study, there is lack of communication and thus, patients cannot communicate properly due to inappropriate structure.  The structure of the organisation and they are able to manage different activities which are described below:
Director of organisation has the top most position and it is the responsibility of him to provide appropriate guidance in order to manage the resources and activities at workplace in an effective manner. He is also responsible to make the rules and regulations so that employees can perform the tasks and achieve objectives of NHS within stipulated time period.
He also plays an essential role for the upward direction at NHS and they work related to the guidelines given by director and also, they are responsible for managing the assistant manager in context of health and safety at the workplace (Leichsenring, Billings and Nies, 2013).
They are responsible to make the plans for risk assessment and play an important role to manage the regulatory framework for health and safety at NHS. They also have to guide nurses of staff so that they would provide quality services to the clients.
The safety advisors in organisation explore workplace and ensure the safety of people and try to reduce the rate of accidents.
They are the people who are responsible for rendering quality services to their patients and provide the best care so that they can get recovered within specific time period (Moss, 2015).
In addition to this, employers at workplace have to ensure other responsibilities also which include the quality and safety which is required to consider and implement effective framework at workplace. Along with this, it is the duty of employer to give complete information about rules and regulations to the staff members. . It helps to increase the morale and interest of HSC care workers at the workplace (Drummond and et.al., 2015).
Health and safety at workplace is one of the most significant factor that shows effectiveness regarding the firm. This provides increment in the responsibilities on the different executives along with the management of organisation. It can be termed as the duty that is required to be complete in order to escape from compulsions as well as restrictions. In this context, there are some of the responsibilities of health and safety of all personnel are described below:
In this, there is main responsibilities of the employers in terms of health and safety policies at NHS for ensuring the practices and policies of organisation which compliance with the present lawful requirements. In addition to this, the employers are responsible for making the safe environment at workplace. This includes the appropriate sanitation facilities are taken into consideration by the management. It also required to assess that the equipments are properly working as it is ensured by the employers. Furthermore, in order to make appropriate communication training is provided by the employers. In this context, staff members are considered as the workers of the cited organisation. They have to implement different policies which is stated by the employers as well as managers. Moreover, they are also bound to follow appropriate hazards as well as risks which are given by the top level management. Â
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They are considered as the authorities which are occupied in order to develop some standards for the purpose of service users and workers interest. All of the areas of NHS examine by the health executives and work is provided to employers for making improvement in the activities. Â Â
Priorities can be termed as to provide importance to any particular activity which are considered to more important in terms of others. It is necessary to give priorities to the activities of health and safety by all of the organisation for ensuring secured environment as well as safe at stated organisation. Â
In context of this, one of the most important priority of NHS is to ensure the safety of people as well as place. This creates some of the situations that includes the fire at workplace. It is difficult for the management in order to deal with the circumstances of that specific condition. While on the other side, the situations of conflicting also might arise during an individual is engaged in arrangements of properties along with the equipments. Further, it develops emergence of setting the priorities through the management and other activities at NHS for ensuring the health and safety policies which are adopted by the company.
Apart from this, there is another set of priorities which can be arises due to the different types of equipments which are required to be carefully used by the management of NHS. In some of the cases the stated organisation manage the situations  in an effective manner. Furthermore, certain other cases where they are needed to analyse the risks and take corrective actions for making improvement.  Â
With the help of effective care planning risk at workplace can be easily identify and minimised through organisation setting. It can be refers to the way by which the hazards might be prevail at workplace and minimise in order to preserve the health of the workers and provide them appropriate safe and secure working environment. In order to identify the risk through effective evaluation and reduce it with the proper care planning(Boyle, 2015). There are main five steps for carry out the practices of risk assessment. This includes identification of risks and the people who might be harmed with the given practices. Evaluation of peril and decide the different actions to prevent the same. In order to save the life of patients the proper care must be conducted in Slade House so that management might be successful. There are some of the examples which are presented below:
Furthermore, it is important to take appropriate actions for the purpose of providing  safe environment to the patients along with the workers for functioning of the activities.
The policies of health and safety are made to prevent the people in order to get injured or damaged. It is a type of responsibilities in which all the people require to take preventive actions for reducing the risks and also to prevent the members from getting injured. The act of health and safety of UK helps the management to make appropriate procedures for the benefits of the manpower. There is positive and negative impact of the policies on the workers which have been  explained in context of Slade House.
Abbreviation of RIDDOR used for the Reporting of incidents, diseases and dangerous occurrence reporting. In this, all of the members of Slade Hospital are responsible for reporting all events to their  supervisor. Along with this, there is proper documentation of the various incidents of injuries as well as accidents which took place at workplace. All of the incident as it can be devastating as well as cruel which is properly reported to the top level authorities. RIDDOR has been employed by the government in terms of appropriate interest of society for preserving the life and service users health along with providers. Some of the case of non-compliance and it effects are described below:
There is an incident took place at Slade hospital after the death of Connor Sparrowhawk. In this a person did at the time of using bath tub in hospital. This incident was immediately reported by nurse to the supervisor as there is no precautionary step was taken which leads to death of an innocent. If in case if there is proper assessment of risk can be made along with appropriate implementation through proper reporting to the top level of management so that death of Connor can be prevented.
This was disclosed in the newspapers which have direct impact on the operations of the Slade hospital. Through the non-compliance of RIDDOR there is an appropriate compensation si provided to the family of Connor. This amount comprises of 80000 pounds.
Dilemma refers to the situation of confusion for an individual as they have to select one option among two different alternatives. In context of healthcare centre there are various dilemmas that are faced by the nurses, doctors and other practitioners. On the basis of present case of Connor Sparrowhawk there is dilemma regarding the one who provide care shall be allow to bath alone or not. It is analysed that Connor is suffering from acute diseases due to epilepsy. There are some of the patients who are have learning and mental disabilities which is brought to the Slade hospital(Martin, Lippitt and Prothero, 2013). In such cases all the work of patients done by the are workers cleaning to eating. In this situation the problem faced by nurse was allow to patient to bath alone or to accompany. The patients who are above the age group of 18 has their own rights in order to stop the different types of sort so that the nurses to leave the patients alone for some of the time. In contrast of above, the mental health of the people due to the actions and different responsibilities of the people of clinics.
Therefore, in order to overcome the dilemma or the various situation faced by the people who provide services so that it could have chosen for taking decisions in context of health and safety of the appropriate person and this could have prevent the life Connor Sparrowhawk.
In addition to this, dilemma of the present case scenario which is faced by the care provider as they are allow the patients to bath alone or not. It has been analysed that Connor has suffered from the acute disease as  the patients had mental disability that was brought to the Slade hospital. In this situations , all of the work regarding the patients must be done by the care practitioner such as cleaning to eating. Furthermore, it can be identified that the age group of 18 as they have right to stop anyone regarding the caused nurses in order to leave patients for certain time.
For monitoring and reviewing the policies of health and safety that the organisation required to adopt the various strategies. According to the given case, approach of system can be taken in order to manage the risk so that the management can inspect the work effectively and to provide the quality services to the users. For the improvement in the quality services there is adoption of integrated health and safety management at NHS and also helps in nursing staff which require in an effective manner. In the present scenario, it is also find out that they have to adopt more open culture which helps in improving the health and safety at workplace. The patients are provided services and the supervisors make sure the availability of the different resources which helps in order to deliver quality services to the users(Morse and et.al., 2013). It helps the care workers to meet the requirement of the patients so that they take less time in order to recover.
There are various types risks including the chemical, physical and biological which are consider at the time of monitoring and reviewing the policies. Other than this, in order to handle the patients in an effective manner there is focus on the economic and social risks by the management. Further, there are periodic meetings are held and the management make the plans for health and safety practices which is based on the monitoring and reviewing(Choi, Rosenthal and Hauser, 2013). The training is provided to the care workers and safety advisers so that they can work on the basis of appropriate planning. After the planing there is requirement of the firm to reduces the gap between the actual and expected outcomes. Along with this, the policies which are made by the management so that the care workers have to follow appropriately and they are also given instruction for performing. The stated firm also make the review of all the work timely so that the management have the effective control over the incidents which occur at workplace.
There are some of the methods by which there is appropriate implementation of policies of health and safety can be monitored along with review in the organisation. There are certain methods which are described below:
This is considered as one of the most important method in order to review and monitor the policies of health and safety at workplace which covers appropriate auditing and scrutinizing the risk at the premises of workplace a and should be maintain in terms of healthy environment. Through audit risks there is an appropriate management of activities which are performed by the people at workplace.
In order to review the risks it can be done through the past experience of the activities which are performed at the workplace which is to be managed by the people.
For the purpose of monitoring and review the risks by updating the policies and practices so that all of the activities can be managed  in terms of safety so that it will be easy for the management of the organisation.
The policies of health and safety for the purpose of promoting the appropriate culture of working at NHS. There are different policies of HSC which helps to design and maintain the safe environment for all the care workers of the organisation that helps in the improvement in the performance of the health and social care workers. In addition to this, various policies helps in the effective provisions of work which is based on the system and it includes the proper planning, organising, maintain and revise(Fan and et.al., 2014). All these functions helps to make appropriate plans and to manage the work at NHS. It also helps in managing the various types of risks and the policies of HSC and it also involves assessment and identification of the risks according to the legislation. Further, this policies helps in order to reduce the number of accidents at workplace and to provide appropriate care to the patients. There are different rules and regulation of the policies which helps to manage the safe working environment and the organisation develop their own practices that helps to maintain the workplace. Due to this policies there is increase in the level of satisfaction of the users and they provide a positive feedback from all the patients and for the organisation.
In addition to this, on the basis of health and safety act 2011 the staff of nursing provide the safe and healthy at workplace. The training, information and education in context of work for the health and safety. It also helps the employees to stay free from stress and provide the appropriate services to the users. This also imposes duties on the employers in order to take care of the different workers against any harm. Moreover, the model of PDCA is a way in which the employers of NHS consider four significant factors such as plan, do, check and act. In this planning is made on the basis of considering the important practices and policies of the care centre(Baldwin, 2016).
Furthermore, through health and safety policies there is an appropriate environment will be developed for the people at workplace which is considered to be beneficial for the management of the organisation.
Being a health and social care worker at NHS I have several responsibilities which are required to be perform regarding the heal and safety at workplace. It is essential to provide medical and other services to the users involved in the main accountability of the workers of health and social care. In addition to this, care workers must ensure that all the policies are considered appropriately at workplace. I also have the appropriate knowledge regarding the safety of the different patients and their requirements so that I have to make sure about all the considerations of the policies while working. It also helps to maintain the health of patients with  appropriate use of different policies at workplace. On the other side, I am not capable enough in order to assess the requirements in an effective manner and this due to the different types of patients and their various needs and sometimes the communication barriers and irrelevant information by the users. There is also requirement to make improvement in the skills of communication in order to reduce the barriers and it also includes that I don't have enough information regarding all the policies and procedures of health and safety at workplace. In addition to this, I am not capable to manage equipments that can increases the risks which is related to the safety of the users and all these happen due to the changes in technologies of medical field. Therefore, I required to take guidance for the purpose of handling the new medical equipments so that it helps to improve my contribution towards safety at workplace. In order to make improvement at NHS I required to maintain interactions and enhancement in skills of communication with the users and to follow all the rules and regulations of policies of HSC.
Thus, it can be stated that there is an appropriate contribution made by me in order to provide appropriate health and safety policies to the people  at workplace along with managing different activities of the organisation.
From the above report it can be concluded that health and safety is essential at workplace through which management can make sure for creating the brand image in the market. It helps the organisation to fulfil the requirement of service users and retain the employees for a long period of time. It can also stated that the plan of risk assessment which is to be effective and helps the management of HSC in order to provide safety at workplace. Further, in this report there is assessment of risks for care planning and decision making regarding the policies of health and safety.
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